What is an SDDC Bond?

If you’re a Transportation Service Provider (TSP) who is looking to transport Department of Defence (DoD) freight, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with SDDC bonds. Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command performance bonds give financial assurance to those looking to hire TSPs for military freight distribution. In this post, we’ll explore some of the basics of this bond so you can gain a general understanding of its purpose. Continue reading “What is an SDDC Bond?”

What’s Brewing in Iowa? New Brewer’s Bond Requirements

In September of 2018, the state of Iowa enacted new surety bond requirements for those looking to craft and sell alcohol in the state. This change primarily affects “Class A” and “Special Class A” beer and wine permit holders in the state. If you’re in the craft beer, wine, or liquor business, you may want to familiarize yourself with these new rules. In this post, we’ll take a general look at these changes, so that you can make sure you’re well equipped to follow the alcohol regulations of the state. Continue reading “What’s Brewing in Iowa? New Brewer’s Bond Requirements”

3 Big Upcoming US Construction Projects in 2019

From high-speed rail lines to towering skyscrapers, 2019 is looking to be a big year for major construction projects around the country. Big-name projects like these involve massive amounts of logistics, funding and brainpower, and can have serious economic and cultural effects. In this post, we’ll take a peek at some of the most impressive jobs that are happening in 2019, so we can see what the future may hold. Continue reading “3 Big Upcoming US Construction Projects in 2019”

Cannabis Industry Insights and Predictions for 2019

The cannabis industry in California is still fledgling, yet many are looking to get a piece of the booming legal marijuana market. From Humboldt County to San Diego, entrepreneurs and big businesses are facing off to claim their stake in the face of many regulatory and economic unknowns. In order to shine some light on what cannabis dispensary trends are taking flight, we reached out to several industry leaders and got their feedback on a range of dispensary-related issues. Continue reading “Cannabis Industry Insights and Predictions for 2019”

Phony Surety Bonds: Horror Stories and How to Spot Them

Faking surety bonds has been a favorite ploy by fraudsters all over the country. Whether they’re used to sell cars without a motor vehicle dealer bond or bid for contractor work with a phony performance bond, these tricks can spell disaster for unsuspecting project owners and customers alike. Let’s take a look at some examples from recent years of phony surety bond scams, and some tips on how to avoid falling for them. Continue reading “Phony Surety Bonds: Horror Stories and How to Spot Them”

Work in Construction? Here’s What You Need to Know About the Miller Act

If you are in the construction industry, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the Miller Act. Chances are, you’ve already dealt with the Miller Act if you’re a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier who has worked on federal projects. Miller Act bonds, as they’re typically referred to, are one of the most commonly used surety bonds out there. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the key features of the Miller Act, so you can be comfortable taking on federal construction improvement projects. Continue reading “Work in Construction? Here’s What You Need to Know About the Miller Act”

The Purpose of Warranty and Maintenance Bonds After a Construction Project is Finished

The power of warranty and maintenance bonds goes far beyond the construction process: they ensure that the job is built to last. As we discussed in our blog, How Maintenance Bonds Ensure Your Contractor Gets the Job Done Right, these bonds are critical to the trust and credibility shared between contractors, owners, and project managers. In this post, we’ll look at some of the ways that warranty and maintenance bonds continue to serve a purpose long after the end of a construction project. Continue reading “The Purpose of Warranty and Maintenance Bonds After a Construction Project is Finished”

Immigration Consultant Bond: What It Is and Why It’s Needed

Immigration consultant bonds play an important role in the world of certified immigration consultants and the immigrants who they aim to help. Immigration consultants help their client assess their options for attaining a visa, while assisting with the paperwork that is involved. Several jurisdictions, such as state and local governments in the US, require immigration consultants to have surety bonds in place to ensure that the consultants will operate in good faith. This surety bond serves as a way for local governments to grant certain protections for those who are looking to live and work within their jurisdictions. Continue reading “Immigration Consultant Bond: What It Is and Why It’s Needed”

How Maintenance Bonds Ensure Your Contractor Gets the Job Done Right

Maintenance bonds give project owners and contractors alike peace-of-mind throughout the construction process. Warranty and maintenance bonds are surety bonds that allow project owners to receive financial compensation from a surety when a contractor’s obligations do not meet the required standards. Maintenance bonds are specifically crafted to ensure that the construction of the project holds up for a particular length of time after the project is completed. Let’s check out the ways in which maintenance bonds ensure a better contracting process from start to finish. Continue reading “How Maintenance Bonds Ensure Your Contractor Gets the Job Done Right”