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Vermont Motor Vehicle Dealer, Vermont Auto Dealer Bond:

The Vermont Motor Vehicle Dealer bond is a License Surety Bond that serves to protect Vermont's citizens by providing a path for recourse in situations where an Auto Dealer does not adhere to the laws, rules, and regulations as set in Vermont state legal statutes. A Vermont Motor Vehicle Dealer bond may be required as part of the Motor Vehicle Dealer licensing and/or vehicle registration process.

In Vermont, the required Motor Vehicle Dealer bond amount is as follows:

  • Vermont, Motor Vehicle Dealer bond requirement – Between $20,000 and $35,000 Surety Bond based on the number of new or used units sold the previous year.

You should always check with the Vermont Agency of Transportation Enforcement Safety Division, or requesting agency, for the most current required Vermont Motor Vehicle Dealer bond amount as well as the required bond forms.

writes Vermont Motor Vehicle Dealer bonds. We can assist both clients with good credit, and clients with bad credit. Typically, the worse the credit, the higher the surety bond premium will be. In either case, we always work to get the best quote for you. Viking has partnered with markets that welcome Vermont Motor Vehicle Dealer bond applications and provide competitive quotes for them.

(See Also: Cost Expectations for Auto Dealer Bonds)

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More About Surety Bonds:
DMEPOS (Medicare/Medicaid) Bonds

A DMEPOS Bond is required of some durable medical equipment suppliers. Read on an get a FREE quote here.

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